One of the things that excites 
logo La Moglie Offerta

Description: One of the things that excites me the most is seeing my wife walking barefoot in the street: hearing her complain about what she steps on, seeing her humiliated among people with her eyes lowered in shame, knowing that her blackened soles disgust her... all things that send me to heaven!
One of the things that excites me the most is seeing my wife walking barefoot in the street: hearing her complain about what she steps on, seeing her humiliated among people with her eyes lowered in shame, knowing that her blackened soles disgust her... all things that send me to heaven!

Date: 04-11-2024 10:16:42


La schiava deve obbedire al padrone e se incontra vetri rotti o chiodi non li deve scansare . Io la porterei per le strade dove pisciano e cagano i cani avatar La schiava non può evitare vetrini, sassolini, olio di auto, urina umana e di animali, sputi, cicche e mozziconi. Le è permesso solo di scansare merde di cane e vomito

04-11-2024 22:18:03


Porcone. Slave stupenda

04-11-2024 14:19:18