I renew the invitation to husb 
logo La Moglie Offerta

Description: I renew the invitation to husbands or boyfriends in my same condition to exchange opinions and stories of cuckoldry with skype: sonomestesso@hotmail.com if you haven't seen it yet, I have an album full of comics like this. Go take a look and leave comments on those that are closest to your experiences.
I renew the invitation to husbands or boyfriends in my same condition to exchange opinions and stories of cuckoldry with skype: sonomestesso@hotmail.com if you haven't seen it yet, I have an album full of comics like this. Go take a look and leave comments on those that are closest to your experiences.

Date: 29-09-2024 08:19:18


Cosa cerchi in particolare ? Belli i fumetti dove lo trovo ?Come lo posso cercare ? avatar ciao. cerco mariti cornuti e contenti come lo sono io, per scambio esperienze e sensazioni relative al ns ruolo. I fumetti li trovo in rete e poi li modifico aggiungendo io i testi. se hai skype possiamo far 2 chiacchiere. ciao

02-10-2024 15:25:31