I try again despite knowing th 
The Cuckold

Description: I try again despite knowing that maybe it's not the right place. I am looking for a serious boy, under 40 because unfortunately mom likes younger boys than her, who is really interested in an acquaintance, even in terms of friends only. No fast sex or anything like that. I would introduce him to her with an excuse, perhaps as my university tutor. Just really serious guys. I talk about it aloud for obvious reasons. Either Skype or whatsapp
I try again despite knowing that maybe it's not the right place. I am looking for a serious boy, under 40 because unfortunately mom likes younger boys than her, who is really interested in an acquaintance, even in terms of friends only. No fast sex or anything like that. I would introduce him to her with an excuse, perhaps as my university tutor. Just really serious guys. I talk about it aloud for obvious reasons. Either Skype or whatsapp

Date: 26-09-2021 09:48:47
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