Guys, those who have seen us i 
The Cuckold

Description: Guys, those who have seen us in the past here and elsewhere in part already know us through our photos. We have been delighting with photography since the 90s, especially thanks to the advent of digital. We have something like 30,000 sexual photos and video clips on file. Let's say they represent our “life album speak to the normal one“. An album that (perhaps) when we are 80 will end up in the trash of the operating system. For now we keep it with pleasure inside some dedicated HDDs. For those who are meeting us for the first time, here on LMO, what can I say ... welcome, we are the Dreams. Dream2 is a nick chosen ad oc to indicate her, the dream of a couple. Dream1 ... comes by itself. However, compared to a few years ago something has changed for us too, because what was previously a dream closed in the drawer of our heads, has come true. So you will have the opportunity, for those who will be pleased, to see also several photos of our trio (or if you prefer threesome, since we are now all English speakers). Friends / what a good continuation while waiting for the next post.
Guys, those who have seen us in the past here and elsewhere in part already know us through our photos. We have been delighting with photography since the 90s, especially thanks to the advent of digital. We have something like 30,000 sexual photos and video clips on file. Let's say they represent our “life album speak to the normal one“. An album that (perhaps) when we are 80 will end up in the trash of the operating system. For now we keep it with pleasure inside some dedicated HDDs. For those who are meeting us for the first time, here on LMO, what can I say ... welcome, we are the Dreams. Dream2 is a nick chosen ad oc to indicate her, the dream of a couple. Dream1 ... comes by itself. However, compared to a few years ago something has changed for us too, because what was previously a dream closed in the drawer of our heads, has come true. So you will have the opportunity, for those who will be pleased, to see also several photos of our trio (or if you prefer threesome, since we are now all English speakers). Friends / what a good continuation while waiting for the next post.

Date: 28-04-2020 00:17:00
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Viewed: 1026 times

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