A Cuckold raises his woman to 
The Cuckold

Description: A Cuckold raises his woman to his only sexual fantasy .. he enjoys seeing her interpret situations, roles, contexts A true Cuckold takes care of the details, spends his days looking for, selecting with care those shoes that will make his wife feel even more slutty while him he will be putting on yet another pair of horns .. the real deer is the one that during the mating If he is allowed to Cum when I'm pulling the bull's boxers down and I haven't heard yet what his head tastes like ... Because he knows that after coming He will have a window of lucidity That will allow him to make perfect videos and photos ... videos with which he will sprain his wrists looking at his wife ... photos that he will use to find new Bulls for Riding To satisfy the Female Di Cervo ... The real cuck ... takes care of the smallest details As in this photo ... where while I take a bar of meat in my stomach And he thinks of fixing my "horns" ... all women should have a Cuckold husband And I sn she was really lucky ... Ps: after 10 seconds in which she kept asking me to move my hand ... it ended up in the closet ... Because I ... when I take my dick I don't even understand my name anymore ... let alone if I understand where to keep a hand
A Cuckold raises his woman to his only sexual fantasy .. he enjoys seeing her interpret situations, roles, contexts A true Cuckold takes care of the details, spends his days looking for, selecting with care those shoes that will make his wife feel even more slutty while him he will be putting on yet another pair of horns .. the real deer is the one that during the mating If he is allowed to Cum when I'm pulling the bull's boxers down and I haven't heard yet what his head tastes like ... Because he knows that after coming He will have a window of lucidity That will allow him to make perfect videos and photos ... videos with which he will sprain his wrists looking at his wife ... photos that he will use to find new Bulls for Riding To satisfy the Female Di Cervo ... The real cuck ... takes care of the smallest details As in this photo ... where while I take a bar of meat in my stomach And he thinks of fixing my "horns" ... all women should have a Cuckold husband And I sn she was really lucky ... Ps: after 10 seconds in which she kept asking me to move my hand ... it ended up in the closet ... Because I ... when I take my dick I don't even understand my name anymore ... let alone if I understand where to keep a hand

Date: 07-09-2019 18:33:45
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Viewed: 12193 times

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