I always propose this photo, a workhorse of mine because I consider it emblematic for every cuckold and representative for every adulterous encounter. The latex instrument slipped out and externally still dirty with the humors of an enterprising "devoted" wife, filled with juicy seed that symbolizes the pleasure derived from the lady's performance and inside drowned the now gone couple bond represented by the wedding ring. I will never stop only at the classic penetration or the most classic of blowjobs, they will be sessions of unbridled mounting and noble masterpieces of art. The meeting will always be accompanied by symbolic details, by sensory stimuli with verbal and gestural actions that will touch the right chords to make the looming weight of the horns feel oppressive on the head of the man of the couple. An occasional meeting is as intriguing as a lasting relationship, it only differs in modality, lately I have given myself technical times always accompanied by the playful spirit, the goal is to meet once a month by posting on my profile a photo that the cuckold will send me and that immortalizes with all the precautions for privacy the moment and the protagonists in action ... it will be a pleasure to shoot and stuff without restraint or demeanor your wives branching you mercilessly over and over again!
Date: 30-08-2024 09:40:45
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