fantasy is fundamental in adul 
The Cuckold

Description: fantasy is fundamental in adulterous situations because it touches the right chords of those who want to intensely experience the wife's infidelity to feel the looming weight of the cuckoldry on their backs, and then what better solution than to drown the symbol of union in a lake of thick and full-bodied cum?? Always available for those who want to intensely experience the thrill of betrayal... I am authoritative and ruthless with the cuck and gallant attentive and at the same time dominant pig and accomplice with her... I use good manners such as foul language gestures excellent build and a big dick... available for occasional encounters but also for a stable relationship
fantasy is fundamental in adulterous situations because it touches the right chords of those who want to intensely experience the wife's infidelity to feel the looming weight of the cuckoldry on their backs, and then what better solution than to drown the symbol of union in a lake of thick and full-bodied cum?? Always available for those who want to intensely experience the thrill of betrayal... I am authoritative and ruthless with the cuck and gallant attentive and at the same time dominant pig and accomplice with her... I use good manners such as foul language gestures excellent build and a big dick... available for occasional encounters but also for a stable relationship

Date: 10-08-2024 15:14:01
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