A large and long-lasting work tool is the dream of every cuck, who often, comparing it to his own size, perceives it as a sign of superiority... a large cock is certainly a stimulus for a woman's nerve centers but above all it touches the imagination of a husband who loves to imagine his wife possessed by strong alpha males with large endowments between the legs... this is why sometimes, to provoke and stimulate the cuckold's mind during the meeting, I nod to him, inviting him to follow me into the toilet to unsheath it for him under his eyes and show him in all his statuesque grandeur. The rule is: you look but you don't touch. I'm always available for couples with his cuck... I'm authoritarian and ruthless with my beak and at the same time gallant, dominant, pig and accomplice with her in order to intensely experience the thrill of betrayal... I use a high level of cuck training, gestures, foul language, lots of imagination, good physicality and a large, sinewy cock... I am available for occasional encounters but also for relationships long-lasting, discreet and complicit...if requested I don't shy away from photos and videos to immortalise the moment...also available for couples on holiday considering the seaside period
Date: 04-08-2024 22:56:33
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