That gray weekday morning the 
The Cuckold

Description: That gray weekday morning the park seemed totally deserted, except for a few people walking their dog near the entrance; even though we were still in March the weather was mild. Having reached where the path divided, Miriana looked around, then quickly took off her tracksuit and, remaining completely naked, walked along the path that led to the furthest area, usually a shelter for the homeless and frequented by unsavory people; I followed her a short distance away, filming her with my cell phone. After traveling about a hundred meters where the vegetation is denser, we distinctly heard the sound of breaking branches and voices coming from nearby. Then I saw them and in an instant we were surrounded by a group of Africans and it was then that I had the feeling that the six pack of condoms I had brought as a precaution would not be enough...
That gray weekday morning the park seemed totally deserted, except for a few people walking their dog near the entrance; even though we were still in March the weather was mild. Having reached where the path divided, Miriana looked around, then quickly took off her tracksuit and, remaining completely naked, walked along the path that led to the furthest area, usually a shelter for the homeless and frequented by unsavory people; I followed her a short distance away, filming her with my cell phone. After traveling about a hundred meters where the vegetation is denser, we distinctly heard the sound of breaking branches and voices coming from nearby. Then I saw them and in an instant we were surrounded by a group of Africans and it was then that I had the feeling that the six pack of condoms I had brought as a precaution would not be enough...

Date: 01-12-2023 13:23:03
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