🌙 ''You loved her, right? ”He sighed. “How can I answer you? She was crazy.” He ran his hand through his hair. “God, she was completely crazy, every day she was a different woman. One time enterprising, the other awkward. One time exuberant, the other shy. Insecure and determined. Sweet and arrogant. She was a thousand women, but the scent was always the same, unmistakable. That was my only certainty. She smiled at me, she knew she was fooling me with that smile. When she smiled I didn't understand anything anymore. I didn't know how to speak or think anymore. Nothing, zero. Suddenly there was only her. She was crazy, completely crazy. Sometimes she cried and they say that in that case women just want a hug. Not her, she got nervous. I don't know where she is now, but I bet she's still looking for dreams. She was crazy, completely crazy. But I loved her like crazy.” (Charles Bukowski)
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