When your husband explicitly asks you that when he comes home he wants to find you in bed with two men and in particular at a certain time while you have both of them inside at the same time using you like a whore is an amazing thing. Last night he came back at 21.30 and I was found so for about 10 minutes two guys were fucking me in double I was completely at the mercy of absurd orgasms dirty with cum on feet and mouth and when my husband entered as if nothing had happened he approached and he said to me: I am proud and proud to have married a slut like you and I want this pleasure to be mine and yours and all the cocks that you will have the honor to satisfy. He kissed me on the mouth he licked my cum-stained feet and in a delirium of general enjoyment he watered my veiled feet! Guys this is sex and this is life. Kisses Lisa whore wife.
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