#22 Waiting in the dark. Two glasses of wine which in a few minutes would become four. They arrive. Beautiful, sensual. We already know them, but we study them with new eyes. Quiet chatter and it's soon skin: approaching slowly and sinuous, rubbing what's left of the clothes, breathing. Mine him with her, hers him with me. The carousel between a sofa and a chair with wheels begins. The office becomes a clandestine brothel, a shared secret. There is time to enjoy and time to watch, resting. Taking pleasure in the pleasure of the other, adorned with a subtle exciting jealousy. We enjoy, she and I, lighting the two, touching each other with indolence. The two of them: elegant males, animal males. Like an animal, he grabs me from behind, impetuous, leaning on the armrest. I wanted to look my Clint in the eye, read his thoughts. I'll watch it next time, possessed by the next man she offers me to, as he spreads the new lucky girl's legs.
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