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by WhyCantIFindMyPorn
Viewed: 54 times Comments 0 Date: 23-04-2024 Language: Language

My girlfriend at the time and I were just starting to experiment with the idea of sharing her body with another guy. I was her first and only partner so it was an extra hot situation to me and her too, I think. One day while messing around on the couch, I told her I want our mutual friend Tim to come over and play with her. She reluctantly was like

ok, let's do it

. We made up some rules. I made her be blindfolded and naked under a blanket on the couch. I then called Tim right there and told him the situation. I was like

hey, Nicole and I are playing truth or dare and the dare was for you to come over and play with her

. He immediately started laughing and was like

WHAT? You're nuts. No, i'm not gonna do that.

I was like

ok, see you in 10 minutes

(pretending he said yes). I then hung up and told Nicole to get ready. We were instantly super nervous (even though only I knew he wasn't coming over). A few minutes later, while we were


for him, he called back and told me

you still want me to come? I'll be there soon

. I said


. When I hung up, I said

he's at the door !!

And she said

No wait, I'm scared

but i ran up anyway to open the door. I then proceeded to pretend we both are in the room, quiet whispers and giggling like Tim giggles (he's a stoner, and has a giggle). I slowly pulled back the covers and exposed her tits and then crazy giggled and stomped around then covered her back up. I then whispered

come on man it's ok!

and he took the blanket totally off. Her knees were up in the air, kinda prudishly concealing herself and then


pryed them apart and i could hear her audibly gasp, but she held a straight face and then overcame her reluctance.


then fingered her hilariously hard trying to make sure it's a fingering that she never experienced with me to help convince her that this was DEFINITELY not me.
Her knees were up in the air, kinda prudishly concealing herself and then


pryed them apart and i could hear her audibly gasp, but she held a straight face and then overcame her reluctance.


then fingered her hilariously hard trying to make sure it's a fingering that she never experienced with me to help convince her that this was DEFINITELY not me. She arched her back like an alien creature i've never seen her do anything like this before. I then did the same with my tongue did a strange lick that was def not me. This went on for 10 minutes or so and then I walked away and

he left

out the front door. It was so convincing that she was so scared that she enjoyed herself too much and was worried I would be upset

The urge has been getting stronger over the years. It's to the point now where every fantasy I have involves doing something sexy and


with my wife and other guys. In fact, the closer the friends are to us, the more it turns me on.

About 8 years ago, while out with my (now) wife and best friend, we were drinking at a bar and the topic somehow turned where my wife said

well i have really nice nipples

. I didn't think much of it other than

man, that was hot

. But then like 2 minutes later, she privately pulled out one tit and said

should i show him?

And before I said


, she called his name and his jaw literally dropped. After she put it away and we talked and laughed about it, she immediately said

I can show you guys again you know

as if she couldn't wait to pull it out again which was so hot to me. And then she just pulled it out again while sitting face to face with my friend on neighboring bar stools while I stood next to them! I was SO turned on, I told her I wanted to go home and play truth or dare with him or something. She agreed. Before we went home, we stopped at another bar. This time, she called MY name at one point and said


and pointed down to here tits. They were both discretely out and my friend's hand was tweaking one of her nipples. He was staring at me like

dude, i did not initiate this

. It was fucking hot. She's never done anything like this before but clearly was listening when I told her showing her off is my biggest fantasy. Then we went to a restaurant together and sat in a bench, wife in between us. At one point they started making out and his hand was going down between her legs but she freaked out and stopped. That's where it ended. Between the alcohol and the weird situation, she started crying and wanted to leave. She was SO mad at me saying

why would you let him do this to me? Don't you love me?

It was a shitty end to an otherwise hot night.

To this day, we are all still great friends and none of us have ever brought it up again. Until a month ago, I mentioned to my friend

remember that night you played with Jess' tits?

....and he says he doesn't remember any of it! What the actual fuck. I'm still so pissed at him a month later about that but he's like

did i? oh man that's crazy, i don't remember. maybe i did? Guess i was drunk

Anyway, that night has been in my almostnightly spank bank for 8 years. I'm dying to do something crazy like that again. Now that we're older with multiple kids, we don't do anything crazy anymore.

One night when I was really horny and frustrated, I gathered every hot naughty pic I could find of her on my server and placed them in order of hotness as I would want to slowly reveal to someone. Just the act of doing thing imagining who I could show turned me on beyond belief. I eventually showed my best friend and it was so fucking exciting to me. He just doesn't understand though he's the opposite he gets more jealous than turned on at the thought of sharing his girl, so he feels awkward and doesn't know what to say when I show him. I'm in this constant state of trying to think of how I can find someone who would appreciate the hotness of seeing my wife's naked body.