🌙 I was asked which of my four current "lovers" (I include my husband) makes me "enjoy" the most. * Well... Marco (the official one) is the one who more than any other knows how to make me feel like a "Slut". I have the same confidence with him as I do with Luca, with the difference that while my husband treats me with kid gloves and fills me with cuddles, he is sometimes brutal and dominant: he spanks me often and rather soundly (alas, he has heavy hands) sometimes even against my will (pre/agreed role play). * Ricky, the Lawyer, is of an elegance without comparison. He never lacks class and savoir faire and then between his legs he has a tool that is no laughing matter. * Francesco, the latest arrival, is brilliant, funny, has stamina on his side and is practically tireless (with him yesterday afternoon I broke the record for the number of consecutive orgasms in my entire life)..and finally, but I wrote about him earlier, there is Love, the Great Love, the one that is impossible to give up: my Luca makes me feel beautiful, special..he fucks my mind like no one before..and since he has also been seeing another woman, he has made me jealous and even more excited than I was before. And then it was he who brought me into this world and gave me the most beautiful and special gift that every woman should expect from her man.
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