Album Title: : The Nurses 
The Cuckold

cover album

The Nurses

Description: Nurses are the category that most stimulated the sexual imagination of my generation, thanks to a myriad of films that had nurses as protagonists, perpetually looking for sex. But is it really like this in reality? I don't know about today, but in the past, reality wasn't very far from fantasy, at least from what my wife and I learned from our friend Elisabetta. Elisabetta is a peer of ours who, as was done back then, after two years attended the nursing course at a school run by nuns. Well, if someone else had told us these things, my wife and I almost certainly wouldn't have believed them, but we know Elisabetta very well and if she is what she is today, she certainly owes it to those experiences she had at work. Here I'll tell you about some of them.........

From: Guardone2024 | Created on the: 21-10-2024 12:06:37h

Quando Elisabetta do sopra
When Elisabetta decided to become a nurse after two years, h...
Comments 0
Date: 21-10-2024 12:12:20h
Le suore facevano fa sopra
The nuns had them do their internship at their clinic and th...
Comments 0
Date: 21-10-2024 12:33:36h
Nella scuola c'era u sopra
In the school there was a man of about sixty years old, a ki...
Comments 1
Date: 21-10-2024 12:46:04h
Nella clinica c'era sopra
There was also a paid section in the clinic and when Elisabe...
Comments 0
Date: 21-10-2024 16:48:45h
Qualche giorno fa le sopra
A few days ago, while reading the news, a piece of news caug...
Comments 0
Date: 21-10-2024 18:12:40h
Ma fu quando Elisabe sopra
But it was when Elizabeth began to work nights that she disc...
Comments 0
Date: 21-10-2024 18:21:52h
Elisabetta scoprì a sopra
Elisabetta discovered to her surprise that among the nocturn...
Comments 0
Date: 21-10-2024 18:33:42h