Album Title: : Wife given away, October 24 
The Cuckold

cover album

Wife given away, October 24

Description: A meeting prepared with meticulous attention and great sensitivity

From: SecretItalianNew | Created on the: 07-10-2024 23:14:53h

La richiesta è stat sopra
The request was simple. A look taken care of in the smallest...
Comments 1
Date: 07-10-2024 23:19:00h
Ti starò alle spall sopra
I will be behind you, step by step. I ask you to have comple...
Comments 0
Date: 07-10-2024 23:26:02h
Non osare voltarti v sopra
Don't you dare turn to me with your eyes open. Stop and ...
Comments 0
Date: 07-10-2024 23:28:08h
Fermati proprio lí, sopra
Stop right there, I don't care if you're visible whi...
Comments 0
Date: 07-10-2024 23:30:57h
Non mi basta. Perfet sopra
It's not enough for me. That tight coat is perfect. But ...
Comments 1
Date: 07-10-2024 23:33:06h
Entra pure. Sii tost sopra
Come on in. Be tough on your legs, be smart on your ankles, ...
Comments 0
Date: 07-10-2024 23:36:08h
Ti immobilizzero' e sopra
I will immobilize you and dispose of you obscenely. You will...
Comments 0
Date: 07-10-2024 23:38:11h
Bendata con un tuo f sopra
Blindfolded with your scarf, tied and immobilized, sodomized...
Comments 0
Date: 07-10-2024 23:39:56h