Album Title: : 24/02/2022 Gentl3bull a true gentlman 
The Cuckold

cover album

24/02/2022 Gentl3bull a true gentlman

Description: unfortunately the photos were lost not because of us, we put it backThe description of the photos had been put by her, unfortunately I don't remember them .... I will put something that reminds the old description A last organized by my treasure, as always a surprise with little clues.

From: coppiaeden | Created on the: 26-05-2022 06:57:07h

c’è attrazione sopra
there is attraction...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:01:07h
abbracci per sentirs sopra
hugs to feel...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:02:19h
inizia a scoprirsi sopra
begins to uncover...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:03:11h
iniziano ad assaggia sopra
they begin to taste it...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:03:38h
inizia a fare sul se sopra
start getting serious...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:04:31h
vuole sentire cosa l sopra
he wants to hear what to please her...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:07:11h
lo vuole sopra
he wants that...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:09:20h
voglia sopra
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:09:54h
lo voglio.... sopra
I want.......
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:11:33h
duro...le piace molt sopra
hard ... she really likes little hole on nipple...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:12:25h
piace molto sopra
I like it alot...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:13:27h
ammira sopra
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:14:05h
Le piace molto....mi sopra
She likes it very much .... she told me it tasted wonderful ...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:14:58h
chiedo un po di atte sopra
I ask for some attention, she said: I always have yours...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:18:34h
le piace molto sopra
she likes it very much...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:19:27h
panorama stupendo sopra
wonderful panorama...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:20:22h
se lo gusta tutto sopra
he enjoys it all...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:21:37h
in attesa....lei no sopra
waiting .... she is not...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:22:37h
le piace tutto sopra
she likes everything...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:23:42h
quasi pronto sopra
almost ready...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:25:01h
tutto sopra
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:26:00h
lei  uno spettacolo sopra
she a show...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:26:48h
il momento pi bello. sopra
the most beautiful moment .... when he starts to penetrate h...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:27:39h
tutto dentro....non sopra
all inside .... there is no going back...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:28:46h
Uno spettacolo sopra
A show...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:30:19h
solo un difetto di p sopra
just a flaw in perspective...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:31:28h
le piace tanto a gam sopra
she likes it upside down...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:32:16h
un attimo di aria sopra
a moment of air...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:33:15h
lo vuole sentire sopra
he wants to hear it...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:34:14h
le piace molto ... a sopra
she really likes it ... even in other little holes...
Comments 2
Date: 26-05-2022 07:35:30h
un aiuto per non sba sopra
a help not to make mistakes...
Comments 3
Date: 26-05-2022 07:36:10h
tutto dentro sopra
everything inside...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:37:32h
esce sopra
goes out...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:38:38h
e di nuovo tutto den sopra
and all inside again...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:39:26h
finalmente partecipo sopra
finally I'm taking part too...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:40:57h
voleva una doppia sopra
he wanted a double...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:41:47h
difficile questa fot sopra
difficult this photo...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:42:31h
l'action cam meglio sopra
the action cam better...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:43:12h
le piace molto sopra
she likes it very much...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:44:07h
cambio posizione ma sopra
change position but same desire...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:44:55h
tutto in questa foto sopra
all in this photo...
Comments 1
Date: 26-05-2022 07:45:39h
sensazioni uniche pe sopra
unique sensations for all three...
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Date: 26-05-2022 07:47:13h
le piace troppo il g sopra
she likes the taste too much...
Comments 2
Date: 26-05-2022 07:48:26h