Album Title: : all for one and one for all... 
The Cuckold

cover album

all for one and one for all...

Description: When you are lucky enough to meet a truly motivated and determined couple who deeply respect each other, who have no "unsolved topic" or any skeleton in the closet ... sometimes ... not always ... that I call "magic" a relationship that goes beyond just fucking .. It reaches levels of intimacy, sharing and complicity that are difficult even to imagine .. like when talking to her husband he tells you openly that he is happy because finally his wife, at the level mental ... she feels totally free and by now she doesn't just limit herself to having sex ... but she literally makes love with you the same way she always did with him ... Grazzie couple60 for choosing me as yours partner in crime...

From: TRIO | Created on the: 19-03-2022 19:55:37h

Appena entrato in ca sopra
As soon as you enter their house ... The intimacy begins imm...
Comments 0
Date: 16-04-2022 19:26:56h
e i pochi vestiti ch sopra
and the few clothes she was wearing ... fly off in a moment ...
Comments 0
Date: 16-04-2022 19:30:31h
Ormai completamente sopra
Now completely naked on the kitchen table ... where they wil...
Comments 1
Date: 16-04-2022 19:32:50h
...Dopo un po che no sopra
... After not seeing each other for a while it is always dif...
Comments 0
Date: 16-04-2022 19:35:48h
dopo un inizio molto sopra
after a very passionate start, however ... in the room it is...
Comments 0
Date: 16-04-2022 19:39:51h
.. posizionata la fo sopra
.. positioned the camera ... you can enjoy all together ... ...
Comments 1
Date: 16-04-2022 19:47:07h
nella foga... il mio sopra
in the heat ... my cock had "escaped" out of the v...
Comments 1
Date: 16-04-2022 19:48:35h
... per poi continua sopra
... and then continue participating in our own pleasure ... ...
Comments 1
Date: 16-04-2022 20:03:56h
Gode di me... le son sopra
She enjoys me ... I'm inside her ... I squeeze her tits ...
Comments 0
Date: 16-04-2022 20:33:49h
Penso... che i comme sopra
I think ... comments ... are superfluous ......
Comments 0
Date: 16-04-2022 20:36:18h