Album Title: : but what do the sailors do ... 
The Cuckold

cover album

but what do the sailors do ...

Description: But what do the sailors do when they arrive in the port ... (L. Dalla): pleasant memories of Penelope, before Covid

From: Odisseus | Created on the: 27-10-2021 21:21:34h

Ha fatto scalo qui v sopra
Stopped nearby: first acquaintance in a B&B...
Comments 4
Date: 27-10-2021 21:23:12h
stanno cominciando a sopra
they are starting to get familiar...
Comments 3
Date: 27-10-2021 21:23:57h
Penelope è già ecc sopra
Penelope is already horny and offers herself...
Comments 3
Date: 27-10-2021 21:24:29h
contenta di apparten sopra
happy to belong to him...
Comments 5
Date: 27-10-2021 21:25:04h
ora lo assaggia a fo sopra
now taste it thoroughly...
Comments 2
Date: 27-10-2021 21:26:41h
adesso tocca a lui sopra
now it's his turn...
Comments 4
Date: 27-10-2021 21:27:19h
la puttana gliela of sopra
the whore offers it to him ......
Comments 8
Date: 27-10-2021 21:27:43h
si baciano mentre la sopra
they kiss while he mounts her...
Comments 6
Date: 27-10-2021 21:28:17h
No description sopra
Comments 1
Date: 27-10-2021 21:30:28h
tutto dentro fino al sopra
all inside until ......
Comments 5
Date: 27-10-2021 21:30:50h
fammelo assaggiare d sopra
let me taste it again...
Comments 7
Date: 27-10-2021 21:31:21h
accidenti quanto è sopra
damn how big it is!...
Comments 4
Date: 27-10-2021 21:31:50h
succhialo bene... sopra
suck it well ......
Comments 3
Date: 27-10-2021 21:32:24h
dedita al suo piacer sopra
devoted to his pleasure...
Comments 2
Date: 27-10-2021 21:33:11h
assaggia il tuo sapo sopra
taste your flavor while riding...
Comments 2
Date: 27-10-2021 21:33:41h
ingresso posteriore? sopra
rear entrance?...
Comments 4
Date: 27-10-2021 21:37:48h
dentro ben saldo sopra
inside well balance...
Comments 9
Date: 27-10-2021 21:38:25h
backdoor sopra
Comments 8
Date: 27-10-2021 21:39:22h
montata fino in fond sopra
fitted all the way...
Comments 2
Date: 27-10-2021 21:39:54h
adesso è il turno d sopra
now it's her husband's turn...
Comments 5
Date: 27-10-2021 21:40:59h
ancora il maritino sopra
hubby again...
Comments 1
Date: 27-10-2021 21:41:39h
di nuovo il marinaio sopra
the sailor again...
Comments 1
Date: 27-10-2021 21:42:13h
Penelope ringrazia sopra
Penelope thanks...
Comments 2
Date: 27-10-2021 21:42:44h
si prende cura del.. sopra
takes care of the ... pole...
Comments 3
Date: 27-10-2021 21:43:18h
la crema che trabocc sopra
the cream overflowing and dripping out...
Comments 3
Date: 27-10-2021 21:43:53h
secondo round: ora c sopra
second round: now ride her...
Comments 1
Date: 27-10-2021 21:44:44h
chissà cosa si suss sopra
who knows what they whisper in their ears?...
Comments 3
Date: 27-10-2021 21:45:18h
felice di essere imp sopra
happy to be impaled...
Comments 6
Date: 27-10-2021 21:46:01h
moine finali, soddis sopra
moine final, satisfied...
Comments 6
Date: 27-10-2021 21:48:43h
due mesi dopo lo acc sopra
two months later she welcomes him home, on returning to port...
Comments 3
Date: 27-10-2021 21:49:44h
felice di rivederlo sopra
happy to see him again...
Comments 4
Date: 27-10-2021 21:50:49h
si arrende... sopra
he gives up......
Comments 4
Date: 27-10-2021 21:51:26h
e finisce a letto, c sopra
and ends up in bed, as it should have ended ......
Comments 4
Date: 27-10-2021 21:52:03h
The end, happy end.. sopra
The end, happy end ... for now :) See you next episode and n...
Comments 7
Date: 27-10-2021 21:52:33h