Description: PERFECT THREESOME - She authoritarian and strict Queen for her Submissive Husband, Slave and obliging Cuckold. The pleasure of the flesh is amplified when you meet minds capable of generating engaging stories and situations and PORCHE not only in sex but also in everything that goes around .. and so by magic you fuck the brain, the skin, and everything of the Queen WIFE and Mistress of a Cuckold who himself ranges in multiple situations of sadistic pleasure from Horns from submission to deprivation etc ... And then THE ALPHA MALE the bull .. WHO enjoys everything of the Wife and Queen with a cuckold sometimes present sometimes not but always an important part of the great pleasure. I enjoyed the courtship, the outings, the outdoor petting, as well as the mounts etc ... and the mounts of an authoritarian BULL with a FEMALE who at home is a SEVERA MASTER and with the docile BULL cow for riding .... Severe Misstress with her slave; ... docile totally open crawls with her Male BULL. A PERFECT THREESOME ... the horns as an amplifier for the submission of the cicisbeo slave .....
From: Luis_Vega | Created on the: 06-12-2020 09:54:33h