Album Title: : back to school 
The Cuckold

cover album

back to school

Description: Relegation: from teacher to schoolgirl sometimes it is a moment

From: Odisseus | Created on the: 28-11-2020 06:36:51h

pronta per i compiti sopra
ready for homework...
Comments 4
Date: 28-11-2020 06:41:47h
saluto al commissari sopra
greeting to the examining commissioner 1...
Comments 3
Date: 28-11-2020 06:42:41h
saluto al commissari sopra
greeting to the examining commissioner 2...
Comments 3
Date: 28-11-2020 06:43:13h
chissà se al prof p sopra
who knows if the teacher likes me ......
Comments 1
Date: 28-11-2020 06:44:09h
l'esame comincia sopra
the exam begins...
Comments 2
Date: 28-11-2020 06:45:35h
il prof vuole una pa sopra
the prof wants an overview on the preparation...
Comments 1
Date: 28-11-2020 06:46:30h
gli esami non finisc sopra
exams never end...
Comments 3
Date: 28-11-2020 06:47:25h
gli esami non finisc sopra
exams never end 2...
Comments 0
Date: 28-11-2020 06:47:53h
prova pratica e esam sopra
practical test and oral exam...
Comments 2
Date: 28-11-2020 06:48:51h
promossa? sopra
Comments 10
Date: 28-11-2020 06:49:15h