Album Title: : Sicilian holidays 3 
The Cuckold

cover album

Sicilian holidays 3

Description: One week trip to a Sicilian farm, guests of two old Sicilian friends MOOLTOOO pigs - Third round: impalement upon awakening

From: Odisseus | Created on the: 23-08-2020 05:40:02h

prima di colazione, sopra
before breakfast, upon awakening...
Comments 2
Date: 23-08-2020 05:43:02h
senza troppi riguard sopra
without too many regards...
Comments 2
Date: 23-08-2020 05:43:32h
Comments 1
Date: 23-08-2020 05:44:32h
davanti al marito... sopra
in front of her husband ......
Comments 4
Date: 23-08-2020 05:45:17h
seduta sul...? sopra
sitting on ...?...
Comments 1
Date: 23-08-2020 05:45:54h
così si fa meglio sopra
so you do better...
Comments 1
Date: 23-08-2020 05:46:39h
ora è tutto dentro sopra
now it's all inside...
Comments 1
Date: 23-08-2020 05:47:06h
tenuta per il collo, sopra
held by the neck, like a ......
Comments 1
Date: 23-08-2020 05:47:38h
visti da dietro sopra
seen from behind...
Comments 1
Date: 23-08-2020 05:48:04h
la sweet ora gode sopra
la sweet ora gode...
Comments 1
Date: 23-08-2020 05:48:49h
finale: rovesciament sopra
final: reversal of fronts...
Comments 1
Date: 23-08-2020 05:49:31h
poi passeggiata cult sopra
then cultural walk ... thinking about what?...
Comments 3
Date: 23-08-2020 06:07:34h