Album Title: : visit from a family friend 
The Cuckold

cover album

visit from a family friend

Description: now a friend of the family who often comes to visit it. In times of coronavirus it can be defined according to the DPCM? boh ...

From: Odisseus | Created on the: 28-04-2020 06:12:49h

saluto all'arrivo al sopra
greeting on arrival to the insurer friend...
Comments 1
Date: 28-04-2020 06:16:15h
oggi ti vado bene co sopra
am I okay with you today?...
Comments 3
Date: 28-04-2020 06:18:21h
di solito non c'è b sopra
usually there is no need, but handcuffed you feel better tod...
Comments 3
Date: 28-04-2020 06:19:10h
in docile attesa sopra
in docile waiting...
Comments 0
Date: 28-04-2020 06:19:42h
controlliamo la port sopra
let's check the back door...
Comments 3
Date: 28-04-2020 06:20:14h
entrata dalla porta sopra
entry through the back door...
Comments 2
Date: 28-04-2020 06:23:03h
nel nido del cuculo sopra
in the cuckoo's nest...
Comments 1
Date: 28-04-2020 06:25:15h
esplorazione a fondo sopra
exploration thoroughly...
Comments 1
Date: 28-04-2020 06:26:34h
che le stia vendendo sopra
that he is selling you an insurance policy?...
Comments 1
Date: 28-04-2020 06:27:56h
preparazione al seco sopra
preparation for the second round...
Comments 2
Date: 28-04-2020 06:29:27h
saldamente assicurat sopra
firmly secured to the pole...
Comments 1
Date: 28-04-2020 06:30:27h
ti dispiace se mi go sopra
Do you mind if I enjoy your wife?...
Comments 2
Date: 28-04-2020 06:31:23h