Album Title: : On the sidewalk 
The Cuckold

cover album

On the sidewalk

Description: One evening on the sidewalk, but you can see that I do not poke, no one stops ............

From: cp-italy | Created on the: 30-03-2020 22:09:47h

Comments 4
Date: 30-03-2020 22:12:18h
io non vedo nessuno sopra
I don't see anyone ... why?...
Comments 2
Date: 30-03-2020 22:13:17h
Vabbè  aspetterò sopra
Oh well I'll wait...
Comments 8
Date: 30-03-2020 22:14:10h
io tengo lui o lui t sopra
I hold him or he holds me ..........
Comments 5
Date: 30-03-2020 22:15:06h
rimango in attesa sopra
I am waiting...
Comments 2
Date: 30-03-2020 22:15:43h
Forse devo farmi ved sopra
Maybe I need to show myself better ........
Comments 7
Date: 30-03-2020 22:16:36h
Vedo dei fanali la i sopra
I see some lights at the bottom ..........
Comments 1
Date: 30-03-2020 22:17:31h
Vediamo  se cosi cap sopra
Let's see if you understand this ......
Comments 1
Date: 30-03-2020 22:18:13h