Album Title: : Title: 
The Cuckold

cover album


Description: Couple of male nudists. In most of the photo albums my partner: 100% male A/P, naturally predisposed to the advances of a nudist bull or himself a potential bull for a male couple (in another context, it wouldn't work). I am permissive and a discreet voyeur. Read profile, for contact

From: 1diCPmaschi | Created on the: 02-03-2019 10:12:52h

La fisicità di lui sopra
The physicality of him (side B)...
Comments 0
Date: 02-03-2019 10:20:50h
La fisicità di lui sopra
The physicality of him (side A)...
Comments 0
Date: 02-03-2019 10:30:25h
La fisicità di lui sopra
The physicality of him (Side A)...
Comments 1
Date: 02-03-2019 10:31:54h
La fisicità di lui sopra
The physicality of him (side B)...
Comments 0
Date: 02-03-2019 10:34:06h
La fisicità di lui sopra
The physicality of him (side A)...
Comments 0
Date: 02-03-2019 10:40:17h
La fisicità di lui sopra
The physicality of him (side A)...
Comments 0
Date: 02-03-2019 10:43:09h
La fisicità di lui sopra
The physicality of him (side A)...
Comments 1
Date: 02-03-2019 10:45:29h
La sua dotazione (20 sopra
Its equipment (20 cm approx)...
Comments 0
Date: 02-03-2019 10:47:21h
La sua dotazione (20 sopra
Its equipment (20 cm approx)...
Comments 1
Date: 02-03-2019 10:48:08h
Il suo seme fecondo, sopra
His fruitful seed, for couples with him sterile (phototype: ...
Comments 0
Date: 02-03-2019 10:51:16h
Dettaglio della sua sopra
Detail of its equipment...
Comments 0
Date: 02-03-2019 10:52:49h
Dettaglio del suo la sopra
Detail of its side B...
Comments 0
Date: 02-03-2019 10:53:14h
Insieme  Lui lato de sopra
Together He right side, I left side (looking at the photo)...
Comments 1
Date: 02-03-2019 11:02:09h