Album Title: : Humor is a sign of ... 
The Cuckold

cover album

Humor is a sign of ...

Description: Humor is indicative of ... intelligence and mental health. A sense of humor is nothing more than an intelligent, creative and ingenious way of decoding and interpreting reality, highlighting its bizarre, unusual and amusing aspects; having a sense of humor means being able to consider the events of life with participatory detachment, without malice, malevolence, or cynicism. "... WITHOUT IRONY, THE WORLD WOULD BE LIKE A FOREST WITHOUT BIRDS ..." (Anatole France) - Are you a lover of SARCASM or IRONY ????

From: Flavio.HOTROOOM | Created on the: 04-12-2016 18:35:02h

YOU ARE GOOD AT MAKING COFFEE ONLY We think we are very good...
Comments 1
Date: 04-12-2016 18:39:51h
La didascalia non ha sopra
The caption needs no comments ......
Comments 0
Date: 04-12-2016 18:44:44h
Un vero uomo prima d sopra
Before satisfying his pleasures (following the matches), a r...
Comments 0
Date: 04-12-2016 18:48:41h
DURING THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS the men think of the ball, th...
Comments 0
Date: 04-12-2016 20:00:59h
Una moglie va in pal sopra
A wife goes to the gym because her husband is not good at do...
Comments 0
Date: 07-01-2018 11:13:34h
tra passato e presen sopra
between past and present. The evolution of sweets. SWEET 2.0...
Comments 0
Date: 07-01-2018 15:30:03h
quando cerchi il pel sopra
when you are looking for a nit, because you are not up to pa...
Comments 0
Date: 07-01-2018 15:44:28h
Libero sfogo di una sopra
Free vent of a fed up wife The truth hurts you, you know ......
Comments 1
Date: 09-01-2018 00:26:45h
sarcasmo o ironia ?? sopra
sarcasm or irony ??? some women acquire a sharp irony over t...
Comments 0
Date: 13-01-2018 12:40:54h
WE ARE NOT HERE TO MAKE POLICY !!! But since today we vote, ...
Comments 0
Date: 04-03-2018 11:27:24h
Consigli utili per c sopra
Useful tips for those who want to preserve their virginity e...
Comments 0
Date: 05-03-2018 00:09:33h
Piccoli monelli cres sopra
Little urchins grow up ...;)...
Comments 0
Date: 07-03-2018 20:41:43h
Camici e CAMICETTE b sopra
White coats and SHIRTS: farewell to the Hippocratic oath and...
Comments 0
Date: 10-03-2018 16:26:47h
l'umorismo in rosa: sopra
humor in pink: fine and biting ......
Comments 0
Date: 13-03-2018 00:01:35h
Tempi moderni, perve sopra
Modern times, perversions 2.0. Everyone gets excited in thei...
Comments 0
Date: 26-03-2018 01:02:38h
A fare la spesa si r sopra
Going shopping takes the risk ... all the dangers to which w...
Comments 0
Date: 09-04-2018 15:04:53h
quando a Lei piace g sopra
when you like to play on the break ......
Comments 0
Date: 17-05-2020 17:15:55h