Photo description: 🌙 I've never liked clos (15019671) | Guest 
The Cuckold

🌙 I've never li
🌙 I've never liked close-ups like the one I'm posting this morning, guys... but I think that every now and then... especially if inserted in a context like my profile today, these shots have their reason. * I probably surprised you... and maybe disappointed you. Some people may have seen a "downgrade" of Futura rather than an "up".. but "the only constant in life is change" wrote Buddha.. and even if in small and very slow steps, I too am trying to keep up with the times and with the environment that surrounds me. * Will you love me more? Maybe less? Or maybe everything will remain exactly as it was before.. but I couldn't help but give you an image of me, slightly different from what was usual... * Have a good weekend everyone. 😘

Date: 21-03-2025 07:32:00
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