When I meet an idiot I think to myself: "But if you were the best among the sperm, how were the others?" I'M SORRY FOR YOU, unfortunately I'm continuing to receive messages all of the same tenor, but it's neither me nor my man contacting you from other profiles nor on this site, nor on telegram or other social networks. I don't know what form of pleasure this minus habens who is also committing the crime of impersonation nourishes, but you are anything but intelligent, and I wish I could give you two neurons to make you understand. I kindly ask you to report to the site managers, or as spam/fake anyone who contacts you even on other social networks BECAUSE it's not me. My first contact will always be through the site, or the email indicated. STOP. The other contacts come later and never before. A good relaxing Sunday to you too, idiot included!
Date: 08-09-2024 15:12:11
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